This is my second time I write in my blog. But before I start to write, I want to make sure that all of you can understand me cause, I’m not good enough in English. I hope you can help me and give some advis or give some lesson about English.
I try to write some experience about life, how to motivate your self and how worthed you are. In this chance I will talk about how worthed you are.
Every body in this world have fearnes about they self because they don’t have confidence about their life. How that can be happen??? That can be happen cause they always hear negative thinking from the other, for example other’s always make a judge that we can’t be able to do something couse we just a normaly people how will never can make any change’s in our life. Or we can’t be a success man couse we don’t have any certificate in formal or on non formal education.
That is not true, the true thing is if we have any dream’s we must reach out with all of your faith and your power to get it. You must know that you are have equal position with the other. Other people is importing as you are so why don’t you take a sit together to talk a some case for our profit.
For all of my friends I’m sorry if my English is not enough couse this is may first step for lesson English. I need your corporate to my English progress….
Sorry euyy….. lamun aya nu salah tatabahasana moga-moga rerencangan anu maca ieu coretan tiasa ngajarkan abdi balajar bahasa planet ieu, masalahna abdi teh teu acan tiasa ngagunakeun ieu bahasa …… permiosssss (gubraaakkkkk)…….
Sepurane sedulur-sedulur, wong ndeso lagi belajar boso planet, ojo di geguyu mbok menowo mengkeh nek sampun saget kengeng di nggo boso harian lan di engge anak putu…. Hueheheeeeeeee…..
Maturnuwun kagem Bunda ani, Bang Koz+Bunda Ofanya, Eagle, Bang Deniawliya, bang wahyu, mpok novi kopdarnya, shirei, terutama bang Rohman dan sobat-sobat semua yang selama ini memberi dukungan serta inspirasi kepada ane untuk terus belajar dan belajar juga sobat-sobat yang selalu menghidupkan dunia perblogkan di endonesia…. Bravo bloggerr… successssss…..
Waduh-waduh, postingannya pake bahasa planet. AKu jadi gak ngeh....tapi gak papa bang, kapan lagi belajar bahasa planet kalau gak dimulai dari dini. Ya, wis tak coba minta bantuan kamus untuk membaca keseluruhan artikel ini.
Happy to be here reading your writing...
but why you wrote in Sundanese..i don't understand at all
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